Pet of the Month – New Year… New Pet

By Brianna Hansen

As January rolls in, many of us are crafting New Year’s resolutions — whether it’s prioritizing fitness, managing stress, or simply living a more joyful life. If you’re looking for something that checks all those boxes, adopting a pet just may be the solution. A furry friend isn’t just about companionship (or saving a life); it’s a powerful way to improve your physical and mental well-being.

“Exercise more” seems to be a recurring new year theme and dogs are the perfect workout buddy. They’ll have you lacing up those sneakers for walks, hikes, and games of fetch, reaching that step goal in no time. Even playing with a cat — tossing a toy mouse or waving a ribbon wand — gets you off the couch and moving.

This enjoyable cardio helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthen muscles, improve stamina, and lower blood pressure and cholesterol. The American Heart Association even suggests that having a pet could reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke.

But a pet’s impact on mental health may be even greater. When life gets hectic, animals have a magical way of bringing us back to the present moment. Whether chasing a sunbeam or enjoying a delightful roll in the grass, they teach us to appreciate the little things in life, and simple mindfulness can decrease anxiety and improve emotional resilience. Their steady presence can even help us cope with grief and major life changes, while their playful antics present a welcome distraction during difficult times.

Spending just a few minutes petting a dog or cat can reduce cortisol, the stress hormone, while boosting oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, chemicals associated with happiness and relaxation. They also give unconditional love and nonjudgmental support, a simple yet profound antidote to daily pressures!

Caring for a pet also adds purpose and structure to your day, providing a sense of accomplishment and meaning, reminding us that we’re valued and needed — perfect pillars for a strong New Year foundation.

Your Best Resolution Yet

Adopting a pet doesn’t just enrich your life; it gives a homeless animal the chance to thrive. Shelters like Humane Animal Partners are filled with loving animals waiting for their fresh start.

Not ready for a long-term commitment? Fostering is a great way to test the waters while helping free up shelter space. Or try Humane Animal Partners’ Doggy Day Out program where you can spend a few hours adventuring with a shelter pup, giving them a reprieve from kennel life and you an unforgettable companion for the day.